074: From People Pleaser to Truly Generous


Sex.Love.Power.: Sacred Sexuality, Conscious Polarity, and Waking Up In Love

I want to go deep with you today about something that's been coming up a lot in my life and work: what it means to embrace our power and pleasure as women. For the longest time, I used to feel guilty for wanting more, for desiring abundance and joy in my life.

But, after many years of being stifled under my feelings of shame, I realized that by prioritizing my own well-being and pleasure, I wasn't being selfish—I was actually becoming more generous, more present, and more alive. And now, I'm here to share that revelation with you, to show you a different way to navigate this world as a woman.

In this episode, you’ll hear about:

  • Why viewing yourself as a woman built to receive can transform your relationships and your life.

  • The liberating truth I’m learning about seeking approval from others (or pissing them off!)

  • How your deepest desires can serve as divine guidance, leading you towards a life filled with passion, pleasure, and purpose.

  • The transformative power of embracing self-care as the ultimate act of generosity.

  • How cultivating abundance within yourself can enrich the lives of those around you.

And more. 

“There's no limit to how expansive your life can be. There's no way in which your expansion takes away from anyone else. You grew it. If you're doing it from your own honesty, your own love, you're not hijacking anyone else to take what's rightfully theirs. You're in fact growing what's yours. And as you do that, you have a right to absolutely anything you can imagine opening your receptivity to.”

- Michele Lisenbury Christensen

As you go about the rest of your day, I hope you will remember that you are the hearth, you are the garden, and your capacity for love and abundance knows no bounds. So go forth, my loves, and tend to your flame with wild abandon.

Click here to listen to this episode.

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