3 Reasons Nice Husbands Make for Lukewarm Marriages (and How to Heat Things Up)

3 Reasons Nice Husbands Make for Lukewarm Marriages (and How to Heat Things Up)

Great friend. Caring father. Labor-sharer at home. Kind heart. Hot lover.

A lot of men fit most of these except that last one. Guys determined to be kind, feminist beings definitely make great life partners.

But often they wind up in my coaching practice saying “everything’s great between us except the sex.” And the same thing happened in my own marriage. Here are 3 reasons good guys often aren’t great lovers once they’re married:

Everyday Dominance and Submission

Everyday Dominance and Submission

Do you feel like you're always handling all the heavy lifting in your shared life?  Wish you felt like your partner was able to take charge and lead YOU?

Or are you the one who wants to lead more?  EXCEPT your partner is so dominant (and frankly, kind of scary?) in how controlling or perfectionistic they get, that taking charge yourself feels like foolishly wading into shark-infested waters?

7 Reasons Your Most Important Conversations Go Sideways

7 Reasons Your Most Important Conversations Go Sideways

Our conversations with our partners are among the most important activities in our lives.  They can also be among the most emotionally activating experiences!  These conversations shape how we feel about the relationship and about ourselves, and they either produce clarity, connection, and concrete, useful actions going forward… or leave us mired in frustration, sadness, anger or all of the above.