041: Qualities of a Great Lover


Would you like to have the kind of sex that surprises you and makes your partner surprised by the emergence of that facet of you? The sort of lovemaking that keeps you both coming back for more? Sex that allows you to call up the energy at the end of the day when you're both tired, but you cannot resist the adventure because you have no idea where it will lead? This episode is for you! I will share four qualities of a great lover, and I’m sure if you apply at least one of the qualities, your relationship will never be the same.

You cannot afford to miss this episode.

As you listen to this episode, you’ll learn:

  • How body fascination comes in handy in your sex life

  • When you are aware of your identity, you become an irresistible lover

  • Being present for yourself and your partner is the best thing you do for your relationship

  • Playing it safe and declining to reveal ourselves is the perfect recipe for boring sex

  • The energy you bring to the relationship determines how good it gets

 Join the conversation by listening, then share your story or response on our voicemail at 206-659-9865 or inside our free Conscious Couples’ Circle on Mighty Networks.

“Intimacy is both high sensation and high emotion. If you can't regulate yourself, when there's that much flowing through, it's kind of like if you can't swim in a fast flowing river. And you're going to get carried away by it.”

- Michele Lisenbury Christensen 

Hot Moments in This Episode:

  • To be a great lover, you need to get fascinated by your body and your partner’s body [04:54]

  • Great lovers create a story of who they are [07:15]

  • The essence of staying present in the right moments [14:34]

  • How great energy brings life into lovemaking in a relationship.[17:50]

I hope you find this episode excites you and inspires you to embrace your inner lover.

If the conversations on this podcast are resonating for you and you want to create the love, sex, and aliveness you desire with more ease, I invite you to enter a deeper relationship with me, through private coaching or my group mentorship program. Either way, you get powerful tools, conversation cheat sheets, meditations, and my loving and skillful attention every month, so your capacity for the pleasure and joy you want grows, continuously. CLICK HERE to apply for a consultation.

Join the conversation by listening, then share your story or response on our voicemail at 206-659-9865 or inside our free Conscious Couples' Circle on Mighty Networks

Click here to listen to this episode.

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Image credit: Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash