034: The 5 Losing Strategies


If you really need your partner to change something - maybe the way they talk to you, approach sex, take care of themselves, or deal with their own parents - but conversations about the topic have never gotten you anywhere, this episode is for you. Today, we’re talking about the five losing strategies. These are approaches people employ in relationships - even when we think we’re good at relating - that only produce bad results.

(In the next episode, we’ll look at what you can do to reverse the 5 losing strategies. I promise I won’t leave you hangin’ with what doesn’t work!)

As you listen to this episode, you'll hear about:

  • The 5 attitudinal and behavioral patterns that sabotage your relationship.

  • Why you keep getting sucked into high-conflict interactions

  • What it takes to stop engaging in these patterns

And more.

Join the conversation by listening, then share your story or response inside our free Conscious Couples’ Society on Mighty Networks.

“If you want the marriage you say you want and if you want to become the grounded, centered, peaceful, powerful person I know you can be, flex the muscle required to restrain from engaging in these behaviors and the attitudes that drive them.” 

- Michele Lisenbury Christensen 

I hope that you feel seen in the self-defeating behavior choices you’re making, and that you feel there’s LOVE in my calling you out.  My wish is that you feel like this is a life-changing day - a day you can take more ownership of your results by reeling in your reactivity and choosing to learn not to do these things.

If you want support and guidance from me to create the kind of love and s€x you dream of having, and to clear out any muck that blocks you from that experience, reach out.

Click here to listen to this episode.

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5-star reviews help more women find my podcast -  and thereby have better love and sex - and your review will also be so fun for me to go in and read!  Totally your good deed for the day!  Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know your favorite thing about the podcast. Thank you so much!