029: Pro-Man, Anti-Patriarchy


We’re diving deep into how patriarchy gets into our relationships and messes with both partners, regardless of what gender everyone is.  This episode is a response to a beautiful letter from a listener.  I look forward to hearing your experiences.  What is the role of male privilege in your relationship?  How does psychological patriarchy affect the intimacy and aliveness in your relationship?  Listen in to hear how I define these terms and what a long-time male listener thought and felt when I said “smash the patriarchy” in an email about a prior episode.  

In this episode we talk about:

  • How psychological patriarchy differs from cultural patriarchy

  • What psychological patriarchy costs women… and what it costs men

  • The grave disservice I’d do in trying to help couples if I didn’t name the power imbalances our culture creates between men and women, large and small people, and people who earn more and their partners who earn less 

  • How privilege leads us to confuse “safety” and “comfort”

And more

Join the conversation by listening, then share your story or response inside our free Conscious Couples’ Circle on Mighty Networks.

“I wanted to dismantle the psychological patriarchy so that my husband and all the husbands have permission, to be erotic, to have desire, to have emotional hunger, to have vulnerability, to yearn to be comforted, and to flow between states of activity and receptivity of self reliance and have connection. On a day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute basis. I want more fluidity for us all.” 

- Michele Lisenbury Christensen 

Hot Moments in This Episode:

  • What do I mean by psychological patriarchy 6:10

  • The effect of psychological patriarchy on men and women 7:48

  • Why men wind up blaming their wives for not being happy with them 10:30

  • What patriarchy teaches us 12:50

  • Why I wanted to dismantle the psychological patriarchy 14:04

I wish you the best love and erotic connection that you can imagine. And I would love to hear about it as you create it. My wish for you and for our community is that you'll join the conversation over on the Conscious Couples' Circle at society.lisenbury.com.  It's a great place to ask your questions, share your experiences, and join the conversation about creating the love and sex that you deeply desire in ways that evolve you both. That's all happening at society.lisenbury.com

If you want support and guidance from me to create the kind of love and s€x you dream of having, and to clear out any muck that blocks you from that experience, reach out.

Click here to listen to this episode.

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