The Sex You Want

Erotic Intelligence

John Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences has one called Kinesthetic Intelligence. Proproioception - knowing where your body is in space. Eye-hand coordination. Physical grace. The ability to move your limbs together in concert in a way that facilitates dancing - or even walking or running - well. Admittedly, among my many gifts, kinesthetic intelligence is not a strong suit. I'm kind of a kutz.

The Nice Guy's Guide to A Turned-On Life: with more fun, more respect, and more sex

I adore men.  It breaks my heart that women so misunderstand you.  And it pisses me off that so many of the good things that have happened for (at least some) women in the past 50 years have created such funky dynamics between empowered women and the good guys who love them.  We emasculate you and ask you to contort yourselves in so many ways.  Not today, my darlings.  The following list of invitations is my way of calling you forward in all your masculine glory.

Sensation, Spirituality, and Sustainability: Fruits of a Turned-On Relationship

Most of my readers consider themselves pretty progressive, liberated, and new-fangled (rather than old-fashioned), right? Do you? I do, too, but I've also realized, in my quest for deep satisfaction and happiness in relationship, that I've had to drop layer after layer of old conditioning, belief, story, and cultural more, in order to forge the relationship I enjoy with Kurt today.