Michele Lisenbury Christensen Coaching & Courses

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040: Creating Turn On


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This week, we're going to talk about creating turn on. Often, couples come to me wanting to feel more turned on in their relationship. I’m going to say something you might find unexpected: we can’t depend on our partners to turn us on (at least, not completely). From my experience, turn on is something we create within ourselves. Our turn on has a lot to do with a great many things that take place outside the bedroom outside the erotic arena. 

You cannot afford to miss this episode.

As you listen to this episode, you’ll learn:

  • The benefits of turning ourselves on

  • The unfortunate ways that we turn ourselves off

  • How to turn ourselves on and rekindle the power inside us.

 Join the conversation by listening, then share your story or response on our voicemail at 206-659-9865 or inside our free Conscious Couples’ Circle on Mighty Networks.

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Hot Moments in This Episode:

  • What happens when we don’t turn ourselves on?[03:03]

  • How we turn ourselves off.[05:53]

  • The process of turning ourselves on.  [09:34]

I sincerely hope that this episode has challenged you to turn yourself on to bring out that powerful woman in you.

If the conversations on this podcast are resonating for you and you want to create the love, sex, and aliveness you desire with more ease, I invite you to enter a deeper relationship with me, through private coaching or my group mentorship program. Either way, you get powerful tools, conversation cheat sheets, meditations, and my loving and skillful attention every month, so your capacity for the pleasure and joy you want grows, continuously. CLICK HERE to apply for a consultation.

Join the conversation by listening, then share your story or response on our voicemail at 206-659-9865 or inside our free Conscious Couples' Circle on Mighty Networks

Click here to listen to this episode.

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Now if you’re feeling ultra-loving, I would be profoundly grateful if you left a review for me over on iTunes, too. 

5-star reviews help more women find my podcast -  and thereby have better love and sex - and your review will also be so fun for me to go in and read!  Totally your good deed for the day!  Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know your favorite thing about the podcast. Thank you so much!


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Image credit: Photo by dusan jovic on Unsplash